Friday, May 8, 2009

Taking time to enjoy Spring

My muse for today.....

Wow, the jingle April showers bring May flowers is certainly true here in New England. We had a wet spring, this week in particular, and it sure is having a great effect on the vegetation and flowers.

My garden looks great, with daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, forsythia, wild cherry blossoms, azaleas, phlox, candy tufts, violets, mountain laurel, and a few purple creeping flowers underneath the rhododendrons that have made themselves know this year. My other flowers are well on their way to blooming - stargazer lilies, mountain lilies, lady slippers, tiger lilies, peonies, bearded iris, hydrangeas, carnations, snapdragons, fox glove, and lavender.

What a lovely time to take a stroll around the yard and enjoy what beautiful flowers Spring has brought this year. Hmm, I think I should go get myself a rosebush, after writing this down it seems that they are the only one's missing!


  1. And what a great yard you have to take a stroll in! I bet it is lovely.

  2. Hi,
    How about the two large lilac bushes?
