Friday, May 29, 2009

Family Genealogy

My muse at the moment....

My daughter has a project in history class where she has to do a genealogy chart. I was quite taken aback by how much I don't know about my family. I couldn't even remember my grandmothers maiden name. Wow. For some reason this hit me kinda hard. What's up with the fact I don't know even this much about my grandparents? Granted, no one really talked about themselves, but still, it seems strange to me now. My parents are both gone as well so there is no asking them. Then I had the realization there is not even one cousin I still speak to or see on my father's side of the family. What is going on there? It is not that I wouldn't speak to them or don't want to speak to them, I have never made an effort. Hmmmm... I should do something about this situation.

My husband breezed through his genealogy chart in just a few minutes. He pulled the information out of his memory banks. No need to refer to very large family tree diagram that he has stored in his desk. He can trace his family tree back as far as 1617 in Germany. Wow, I can't even do the 20th century. He even started spouting out where a lot of them are buried. Oh boy, I am woefully behind. It is really kind of embarassing. I have sent out an email to my siblings in the hopes that they are not as ignorant on the subject as me.

I think its time to start learning about more of my family!


  1. No answers here. I have no idea about our heritage. I only remember one time hearing Grandma say that she was a mixed breed because she was half of something (dad's side). I do know grandpa's real last name if you want that. I know he changed it when they came here from Poland.

  2. Hi,
    Cousin Karen came up with grandmas maiden name and grandpas real last name. We don't know years of birth and death yet.

  3. I remember dad's mother's maiden name. I remembered it the other day.
