Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Value of a True Friend

Here is my muse for today....

Have you ever encountered a phony person who acts like they like you but what they really want to do is stab you in the back when you aren't looking? Or maybe say something about you to under-mind your credibility or reputation? Or post something awful about you on facebook? If this ever happens we all need someone to help us get away from the drama. I believe this person would be an actual true friend. Someone who stands up for us, listens, cries with us if we are hurting. We should all have someone like this. A true friend who would not reveal our secrets even if the bamboo was being shoved under their nails. Ouchie! Hurts just to think about it. Maybe if we act like a true friend to others maybe they will respond in kind and we will have a happy place to go when we need it the most! I have a friend and two sisters who fit into this category. I am a very blessed person indeed.

1 comment:

  1. I thought about the song "You are my sister" when I read this. I love that song and my two sisters.

    I want to tell you about the perfect site for Moms who blog with each other. I have made it my personal mission to get your blog read!! Please consider joining:
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