Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A 25+ Year Promise Finally Fulfilled!

Great news, I have finally fulfilled a 25+ year promise to myself. Here are the details.....

Way back when I was just out of high school my mother was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. I was scheduled to head off to college at Northwestern but changed my plans and stayed local so I could help with her care. My mom fought hard to beat the disease but it won out in the end. My sister Pouty Baby was also involved with her care.

The pain and suffering she endured near end the end of her life is forever burned in my memory. No one should ever have to suffer the way that she did nor die as early as she did, in her early 40's. I learned very early on the adage "Life is not fair."

Pouty and I spent a lot of time at the hospital near the end. We dutifully and lovingly spent time visiting her as she did not want to be left alone. In her last few days, our mom started hallucinating that the devil had arrived to take her and was laughing at her as she suffered. It was very sad to witness and experience. We just had to "suck it up" and not show her how much we were also suffering as we watched her die.

We took turns staying with her. One of us would be stuck in the awful family waiting room with the hideously uncomfortable chairs, the harsh lighting, the stark walls. Neither of us wanted to leave nor did we want to be in that room. We were both emotionally and physically uncomfortable.

It was then that I made a promise to myself.... "I don't know when, or how, but someday I am going to help someone not suffer due to the surroundings of a lousy waiting room while their loved one's are are receiving care." I never forgot that promise to myself.

About two year's ago the local hospital was building a new surgical center. They had a need for a donor for their family waiting room. After much discussion, my husband I decided to make the donation to build the waiting room. I recently got the call that our waiting room was completed and the plaque was hung. People were starting to enjoy the comfortable chairs, tasteful decorations, kitchen area, and computer access! I started to cry when the woman told me the news. A triumphant "Yes - It's Finally Come to Pass!" shouted in my thoughts.


  1. wow that's amazing like the title of your other post "never underestimate determination" can't wait to see it, make sure you post a picture!!

  2. So this is irony - now I am looking forward to visiting a dreaded waiting room so that I can see it for myself. I am so happy that other families will have a comfortable warm environment at least during their time of need.

  3. Poutalicious...
    Wow, never thought of it as ironic but you are right! ... It is ironic... especially because I ran over to see the plaque the same day it was installed. Usually I run for cover from these rooms.

  4. The opening was a huge success. I have pictures to upload as soon as my blog wonder can show me how. We are thinking about sending belated holiday cards.

    The original plan was to take a family photo near the plaque and use it for our xmas cards. However, the opening was moved from 12/8 to 2/22 so we didn't have a photo to send with our cards. Frustrated I gave up on cards.

    Trying to decide if sending out a card now would be too "oh look at me" which I don't want to be the reaction. Thoughts??

  5. I'm curious what the plaque says - is it dedicated to mom or dad, or Eric's dad? I want one of those belated holiday cards for sure and if anyone thinks evil of this good gesture I really don't care what that person thinks.

  6. Hi,
    The plaque says, "This family waiting room donated by the Haartz Family"

    I wanted it to be simple with the least amount of showiness. I have photos I can email them to you.
