Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Queen of Haartz Goes Blog

On the advice and request of Pouty baby, here I sit posting my very first blog. Deborah, the talented blog designer did all of the work setting this up. What I lack in computer savvy, she has in abundance.

For the most part I spend my time helping other people over at the local hospital. I am President of the Auxiliary coordinating the efforts of 350 or so members. This is a group of men and women who volunteer their time raising money and giving of their personal time and talents to improve the patient experience. My daughter also designed our auxiliary blog.

In an effort to stave off boredom and loneliness, my volunteer work also entails being on the hospital foundation board, and being president of a private family foundation. I am also on the annual fund committee for my daughters school and serve at a Board director at another charitable organization.

My summer past time is golfing. My nick name is Boom Boom Haartz as I can drive the ball pretty far for a girl my age :-) ! It is so rewarding to play a round of golf, even if it's not a particularly good score. I remind myself that a lousy round of golf is better than sitting in an office somewhere wishing I was outside enjoying myself. This usually improves my mood and puts a smile on my face.


  1. First question, and I'm sure I'm right because I am so dern clever: Is Nicci pronounced "Niecy" by chance as in niece with a Y? I want to go golfing too and get out of my boring 8X10 cubicle. I am very happy to see you have a blog. It will be fun for you! The design is so sheik and elegant. Cool-y

  2. Hi Pouty,

    I think you are right. When Eric says it, he pronounces it almost like it was neecee. So, I think a Y sound works great!
